The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations (Revelations 22:2)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Red Globe Amaranth 千日紅

Red Globe Amaranth 千日紅 Qian Ri Hong Gomphrena Globosa

Gomphrena Globosa, aka Red Globe Amaranth Flower, literally translates to Qian Ri Hong 千日紅 Thousand Days Red due to its everlasting flower blooming period.
Other Chinese names include Qian Ri Hong and Wan Nian Hong.

Globe amaranth is a short annual with dense, clover like flower clusters that often are dried and preserved. The flowers lack petals but exhibit red, pink, orange, or white bracts on long stalks.Globe Amaranth originally grows in the tropics. It is a sun plant. It is resistant to dryHeat but not to cold.

The shape of the flowers is even and complete and the colour purplish red. It also has a faint smell of pure fragrance.

Globe Amaranth Tea is known to prevent aging thus it is good for the skin. Best taken without mixing other tea except some Stevia leaves for sweetening purposes.

This tea contains essential vitamins and minerals and is known in Chinese medicine for helping to relieve cough, shortness of breath, enhance vision, prevent aging thus it is good for the skin.

Efficacious for nourishing one's looks and appearances by discharging body toxin. Able to maintain beauty by  taking good care of skin, treating "Yin" deficiency and regulating the menstrual function.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Marigold 金盏花 Calendula officinalis

Marigold  盏花  Calendula officinalis

Other names for calendula flower petals include Pot Marigold, Gold Bloom, Holligold, Marybud, Zergul and Garden Marigold. This flower grows annually in northern Mediterranean countries and it tends to bloom repetitively either each month or with each new moon.

Many people like to add the tasty petals to rice, soups and even cereals. Not so long ago, even American physicians commonly used calendula flower petals to treat all of the following disorders:

•    Skin infections;
•    Cuts, scrapes and bruises;
•    Burns;
•    Amenorrhea;
•    Conjunctivitis;
•    Fevers;
•    and more!

Calendula flower petals are comprised of the following constituents:

•    Calendulin;
•    Beat-carotene;
•    Isoquercitrin;
•    Narcissin;
•    Rutin;
•    Lupeol;
•    Amyrin;
•    Sterols;
•    Volatile oils;
•    Complex polysaccharides that possess immunostimulating properties;

Dried calendula flower petals are used to make a variety of teas, creams, tinctures, infusions, washes and compresses. This powerful herb increases the production of collagen making it very useful for healing wounds of the skin. it also helps to minimize scarring. Its wound healing properties are especially beneficial to those with compromised immune systems.

Besides the various benefits associated with external application of calendula flower petals, the internal benefits are likewise impressively numerous. They include:

•    Alleviation of pain;
•    Treatment for coughs and sore throats;
•    Relaxing cramps;
•    Aiding digestion by stimulating bile production;
•    Treating stomach ulcers and inflammation;
•    The regulation of menstrual irregularities;

Additionally, calendula flower petals have been repetitively proven to be effective at treating:

•    Boils and rashes;
•    Herpes outbreaks;
•    Sunburn;
•    Warts;
•    Athlete's foot;
•    Gingivitis;
•    Ringworms;
•    Varicose veins;
•    Hemorrhoids;
•    and even some types of cancer!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rosemary 迷迭香 'dew of the sea' Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary "dew of the sea" (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) 迷迭香 mí dié xiāng

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub indigenous to Southern Europe, particularly on the dry rocky hills of the Mediterranean region.

Whether grown in the desert, mountains or by the coast, the "dew of the sea" is simply an essential in any kitchen herb garden.

Rosemary is a wonderful tonic, particularly to the heart, brain and nervous system.

By increasing the flow of blood to the head, rosemary stimulates the brain and heightens concentration.

Rosemary has been used for anxiety, tension, exhaustion, lethargy, depression, insomnia and as a tonic during convalescence and for the elderly.

Rosemary makes an excellent remedy for preventing and treating migraines and headaches.

Rosemary improves vitality and stimulates digestion, relieves flatulence and distension, enhances the appetite and increases the flow of digestive juices.
Rosemary helps move food and wastes efficiently through the system, removes stagnant food, improves sluggish digestion and helps absorption of nutrients.
It helps in stimulating liver and gallbladder function, increasing the flow of bile and aiding digestion of fats.
Rosemary is famous as a rejuvenating tonic and is said to slow the aging process.

Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant, preventing damage by free radicals.

Modern uses: The dried herb is used by infusion - one teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water - as a remedy for headache due to gastric disturbance.

It stimulates bile production by the liver. The oil is anti-flatulent and is taken one or two drops only at a time.

It is tonic to the scalp and is one of the ingredients in Eau-de-Cologne and many over-the-counter shampoos and hair preparations.

For home use the infusion of the dried herb can be used as a hair wash. Internal use is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chamomile 白花春黄菊

Chamomile  白花春黄菊 Chamaemelum nobile

Chamomile flowers are large, sunflower-like plants that were first discovered in eastern Europe and are now found all over the world. They are especially plentiful in Croatia, Hungary and Serbia. Depending on where you are, you may hear chamomile flowers being called Pin Heads, Manzanilla, Ecthe Kamille, True Chamomile or even their scientific name: Matricaria recutita.

An aromatic perennial herb (Chamaemelum nobile) in the composite family, native to Europe and the Mediterranean region, having feathery foliage and flower heads with white rays and yellow centers.

A similar, related Eurasian annual plant (Matricaria recutita).

The dried flower heads of either one of these plants, used to make an herbal tea and yielding an oil used in commercial flavorings and perfumery.

Chamomile was used by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians as a popular medicine because of its rich content of essential oils. It is till used widely for all of the following maladies:

•    Minor abrasions;
•    Cuts;
•    Scrapes;
•    Bruises;
•    Burns;
•    Restlessness;
•    Insomnia;

Although chamomile is very nice when used in baths and as a soothing topical cream, it is best used as a tea. It should be brewed to the desired strength only in closed containers, especially at higher altitudes. Besides its ability to relax you, chamomile flower tea also serves to:

•    Induce deep sleeping patterns;
•    Alleviate menstrual cramping;
•    Manage morning sickness;
•    Defeat childhood nightmares;
•    Allow peaceful rest when suffering common colds and/or flu symptoms;
•    Reduce fevers;
•    Alleviate motion sickness and anxiety;
•    Relax the smooth muscle tissues that line the digestive system and stomach;
•    Act as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic agent;

In addition, you can use chamomile flowers to treat eczema, skin irritations, hemorrhoids, sunburn, mastitis and leg ulcerations. Chamomile flowers are members of the ragweed family and as such should be approached with caution by those with allergies to ragweed.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cymbopogon citratus 香茅草

Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus   香茅草 xiāng máo căo

Scientifically classified as Cymbopogon citratum, Lemongrass gives off a scent that is both lemony and rosy. It is used in a widespread manner in both Thai and Indonesian cuisine. It grows in the wild in tropical Australia, Indonesia, Indochina and is also cultivated in Sri Lanka and India.

The essential oil constituent of Lemongrass is comprised mainly of citral, but also contains the following:

• Myrcene;
• Nerol;
• Limonene;
• Linalool;
• Beta-caryophyllene;

The lower sections of the stalk are primarily used to brew healthful teas. Lemongrass is rarely seen in encapsulations or extracts.

When used as a medicinal herb, Lemongrass serves several life-enhancing purposes. Here are just some of them:

• Use as a mild-acting diuretic to flush toxins from the body;
• Relieve of menstrual cramps;
• Alleviation of nausea and symptoms associated with morning sickness;
• Use to stimulate perspiration to help lower fevers and cleanse the skin;
• Acts as a powerful repellant to various insects;
• Used in making perfumes and as a bath additive;
• and there's so much more that lemongrass is excellent for as well!

Other spices and foods will pick up the flavor and scent of Lemongrass, so keep it well-sealed and isolated. Before cooking with lemongrass, allow it to soak in warm water for two hours first. This will reduce the potency somewhat and make it so that it doesn't dominate your recipes. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid excessive use of Lemongrass.

For some dried sample in Singapore call 96561688

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Unique Flower Tea Brewer

Unique Flower Tea Brewer

-          Enjoy freshly brewed Flower Tea one cup at a time with the uniquely designed Automated Dispensing feature.
-          Unique valve system can hold or release water freely and freshly brewed Flower Tea will be filtered automatically in seconds.
-          Filter is able to isolate dregs completely for a clean and refreshing cup of Flower Tea.
-          This unique model is practically and elegantly designed with durable material and a clear body which allow you to watch the brewing process.
For More Information in Singapore call 96561688