The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations (Revelations 22:2)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Roselle Tea

Roselle  洛神花  Hibiscus sabdariffa

Roselle is a good source of natural antioxidants which may protect the body from damage by free radicals and lipid peroxidation. The protective effect is probably through the action of highly bioavailable ascorbic acid, ß-carotene and phenolic compounds, especially the anthocyanins.

Health benefits:

The Roselle Tea contains high levels of antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which are good for our hearts and bodies. Flavonoids comprise a group of compounds that give the color to red wine, watermelon, and grapefruits. These antioxidants help our bodies fight the harmful molecules known as free radicals, which can cause cell damage leaving the body in a diseased state. By taming free radicals, antioxidants help maintain the body’s good health.
In summary, drinking tea can enhance body’s ability to fight stress and help maintain body’s good health.

How to prepare Roselle tea?

Simply bring out your favorite mug, put in 2 grams of the dried Roselle calyx and add 250ml of boiling water ( 8 oz ), steep it for 5-8 minutes, add sugar or sweet Stevia leaves (a healthier, non-caloric choice) if desired, or add other flavors of your choice such as few drops of lemon juice. Here you go, you have lemon zinger tea. You can also refrigerate it and make Roselle iced tea.